I help highly sensitive humans tap into the wisdom of their root energies to renew feminine expression & transform inner energetic potential into 3D paradise.

More Dreaming, Less Doing

Photos By: Photography By Joe LLC

Because you want to feel the support of your own energy…

  • Are you a highly ambitious & sensitive soul who wants to be it all, do it all, & know it all?

  • Do you feel like you’re highly empathic and/or feel things more deeply than most people around you?

  • Do you feel like your body “holds onto emotions”?

  • Does it feel challenging to slow your mind so that you can rest?

  • Do you feel emotionally overwhelmed or feel under resourced to process emotions?

  • Do you feel like you are highly creative, but struggle to bring your visions to help & heal others to life?

  • Do you feel it is your deepest desire to help, lead, & serve others but feel stuck or powerless in your own health story?

They are hustlers & helpers setting the example of basic goodness, leading, taking care of & healing everyone around them with their intuitive gifts, but seem to feel irritable & exhausted no matter how much sleep they get- they start to wonder why their own health is falling apart.

My goal is to help these gifted, light leaders of the world feel a sense of blissful resiliency on the journey instead of seeking joy & bliss as the destination on the journey.

My clients are heart-led & passionate about serving their communities in an inspiring way.

What makes my approach so unique?

“It has a vibe of building on something familiar, but being on the precipice of something huge and transformative. [Alicia’s] energy is powerful, palpable & I am beyond grateful to be on this journey with [her]…”

What Clients Are Saying:

-Sarah G.

“With her dual medical background of both Western and Eastern medical practices she will be able to meet you where you're at presently and create a customized path to get you on the road to healing.” (see full testimonial, below)

-Jen W.

This “going & doing” is the “Yang” energy (masculine) of life & staying in this pattern by thinking we are going to need to tirelessly spin our wheels to be satisfied, fulfilled, or successful in life, is what is making us all so exhausted & laden with mysterious autoimmune illness. 

My services (energy coaching & hands-on energy therapies) help you to integrate restful energies “Yin”, addressing the root of the problem by creating a blissful balance of opposing energies (masculine & feminine) in your mind, body, & soul. 

More dreaming, Less doing…

Listen, your body does not care how much you accomplish- your body only cares about how much-resting space it has to integrate life’s experiences & the actions will flow effortlessly.

For us highly sensitive, overachievers, the “doing” part of life comes sooo naturally, along with perfectionism & a tendency to become overwhelmed and chronically fatigued by our gifted, driven nature.

My Approach Is Simple:

Hi, I’m Alicia, the Energy Healer for highly sensitive souls. 

B.A.A.S. with a focus in Healing Arts

Registered Nurse since 2013

Ayurveda Wellness Coach


Certified Light Leader Kundalini ™️ Coach

Certified Marma Therapist

Craniosacral Therapy level 1 

Usui Reiki level 2 

Learn All About My Blissful Balance Healing Program 

I believe bliss experienced along the pursuit of following your dreams is what creates lifelong healing pathways. Bliss isn’t the destination- blissful enjoyment is the journey itself.

So, I’ve created a world-class technique to help my clients unwind years of stress & tension in as little as one session, energizing their intuition & ability to actualize their dreams in the long term.

A combination of hands-on healing, spiritual/energetic coaching support, practical, intuitive nutrition & ancient herbal remedies opens the body, mind, & soul to repair through natural pathways, creating a healing effect at the quantum level.

Together, we take gentle steps to create an approach that feels manageable, guided by your ayurvedic state of balance, which is a multidimensional & spiritual science of life.

As a result, you’ll see a new perspective, instead of so much implementation of specific changes. Thus leading to lifelong paradigm shifts that support your highest good which will ripple out healing vibrations to everyone around you.

What is "Energy Coaching" & is it right for me?

Are you ready to heal chronic stress & rewire your nervous system to embody easeful flow in aligned action towards greater health & authentic joy? In Energy Coaching sessions, Alicia draws upon the natural laws of creation through Ayurveda & Reiki to help you intuitively live your dream life. We will utilize the properties of the five elements- ether, air, fire, water, & earth- to help you understand how to dissolve stagnation and blocks in your energy channels, for life.

What is "Hands-On Energy Healing" therapy?

Relax, breathe deeply, experience inner alignment, & soothe your nervous system. Alicia incorporates a combination of modern and ancient hands-on energy healing techniques to induce natural, self-referral healing including: Marma Therapy (acupressure) Chakra & Polarity Balancing Yoga & Breath Practice Music & Tuning Forks Aromatherapy & Crystal Healing Craniosacral Therapy Usui Reiki.

Curious to know more? Start here…

Schedule a complementary discovery session today.

We’ll meet on zoom where I can help you increase your energy, gain clarity, & momentum on your journey.

  • Blissful Balance Healing Sessions

    • During this single 90-minute session we’ll do a holistic deep dive into the energy flow of your life and physical body.

    • Together we’ll explore practices and teachings to help you connect with the creative energy of your body & restore a sense of sacred throughout your whole life.

    • Includes an Ayurveda Wellness Consultation, Digestion Assessment, Energy Flow Evaluation, & Hands on Energy Healing session

    • Afterwards, I’ll send you supportive self-coaching materials, journal prompts, & fun tools, like somatic embodiment practices + diet & lifestyle recommendations, to help integrate our session

    • 2 weeks of ongoing unlimited support towards your wellness goals via text/email


  • Blissful Balance Healing Program

    • In this program, we’ll meet for six 90-minute, one-on-one Blissful Balance Healing Sessions over 12 weeks.

    • Each session includes an Ayurveda Wellness Consultation, Digestion Assessment, Energy Flow Evaluation, & Hands on Energy Healing

    • Together, we’ll target specific energy blocks by weaving the threads of sacred self-discovery into your life & cultivating a continuous stream of gentle, healing energy from within

    • Afterwards, I’ll send you supportive self-coaching materials, journal prompts, & fun tools, like somatic embodiment practices + diet & lifestyle recommendations, to help integrate our session

    • 3 months of unlimited support towards your wellness goals via text/email


  • Energy Coaching & Energy Healing


    • Hands on Energy Healing- 1 Hour ($120)

    -Includes a combination of the following body work modalities:

    Marma Therapy (acupressure), Sound Healing with tuning forks, Crystal Healing, Chakra Energy Balancing, Reiki, & Craniosacral Therapy

    -& includes a recommended at home somatic embodiment practice

    • Energy Coaching- 1 Hour ($150)

    -Includes a combination of the following:

    Energy Flow Evaluation & Ayurveda Wellness Consultation

    -includes a recommended at home somatic embodiment practice + personalized diet & lifestyle recommendations + 2 weeks of unlimited support via text/email

  • “Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! For your <extra> time today. It has been a long time since I have been more excited than afraid about big possibilities. It has a vibe of building on something familiar, but being on the precipice of something huge and transformative. Your energy is powerful, palpable, and am beyond grateful to have embarked on this journey together!!!”

    -Sarah G. -Yoga Teacher & Finance Branch Manager

  • "You and my Higher Self are soulmates, I swear. Every conversation with you is like a reminder of who I truly am in my most naked, pure form."

    -Holly W. -Business Owner & Belly Dance Instructor

  • Alicia was amazing! She took the time to do a thorough intake and really talked to and listened to me before sharing her wonderful advice. It's obvious to me that she is as compassionate about helping others and has a passion for sharing her healing modalities. She reminded me that just as none of us are perfect it's the trying, the keeping on (taking baby steps); not living in fear (stress and worry) paired with healthy living, that it makes a difference. Even sometimes we forget to look back and realize how far we came (in a short time:). I highly recommend everyone should do a consultation with you!!!

    -Zack K. -Business Owner, Yoga Teacher & LMT

  • "I feel like all the same things are going on around me but I'm not as affected by them in a negative way. It's like I find myself actually feeling grateful, rather than angry or upset."

    -Rachel -Business Owner & Personal Trainer

  • “I want to thank you for inspiring me, I've made so many positive changes since you came into my life and you help me see things from a different perspective. I also want to seriously thank you for working with me and being a friend. You have no idea the positive impact it's had on me as a whole. It's also positively impacting my relationship with my children and that means so much to me”

    -Deb S. -Reiki Practitioner, Ordained Minister, & Lead Social Worker

  • “You helped me understand the root of my problems more in 5 minutes than my therapist has in years.”

    -Arin L. -Business owner & graphic design specialist

  • “Are you scared? frustrated? confused? in pain? angry? Do your doctors ignore you and write prescription after prescription? Do you feel like no one listens and maybe you're going crazy and nothing is really wrong with you? If you answered yes to just one of these questions you NEED to reach out to Alicia! With her dual medical background of both Western and Eastern medical practices she will be able to meet you where you're at presently and create a customized path to get you on the road to healing. She will be your teammate to tackle your issues one on one; you are NOT alone. Alicia will educate you and provide you with additional resources and references for you to learn more ways to help yourself. She will empower you to heal yourself from the inside out. Don't get me wrong she doesn't do everything; you'll have to put in the work and help yourself but doing it with her in your back pocket will make it feel doable instead of scary. Alicia will also use a multitude of techniques for hands-on healing: craniosacral therapy, aromatherapy, ayurvedic techniques, massage, etc. I hope you'll reach out to her like I did so you can be healthy and comfortable!”

    -Jen W. - Yoga Teacher & Intellectual Property Paralegal Docket Administrator